public health practice.

At Health Research Toolbox, we use Health Equity & Action Research for Transformation (“HEART”) to become public health innovators, conduct high-quality research and evaluation, and create impacts within communities. We do research with HEART.

Transforming communities using values-driven methods.

We believe that the most impactful health research and evaluation is done with heart. We use equity and values-driven approaches to transform how we work. Our priority is making sure our work is ethical, responsive to community priorities, compassionate, and rooted in service. We work to promote wellness among practitioners as well as within communities. After all, we cannot achieve public health without personal integrity and wellbeing.

As a social impact organization, we are led by our mission and values and oriented to taking action. Our vision is to create transformational community impacts and improve collective wellbeing by changing how we think about, design, and implement organizational and research practice.

Are you ready for a radically different approach to doing public health work? We help community health researchers and practitioners like you create authentic impacts, starting with changing how you work.

Are you yearning for a more embodied, heartfelt, compassionate, human approach to community health work? One that goes beyond data reports and overly technical, detached, top-down methods to the heart of the matter - who we are, as people, with shared values, aspirations, and a desire to thrive as a collective?

Perhaps you entered this field wanting to make a difference, but you’ve become disenchanted and burnt out by the lack of conscious, holistic approaches and the focus on outcomes over connection. Are you searching for a different set of tools - a more aligned approach that honors communities and respects your wellbeing as a practitioner and a person?

You’re in the right place.

Our work is about aligning our personal identities, bodies, and values as practitioners with our work serving communities and improving population health. We’re all about bringing our whole selves to our work. And we think it’s essential to use methods that recognize and leverage the inherent wisdom, strengths, and resources found in communities. We can teach you approaches that respect the dignity and knowledge of the people we partner with and populations we aim to help.

We’ll help you embody a new way of doing public health work. One that starts from within, that you can feel in your core, creates meaningful changes, and builds community. No more disconnect.

We’re here to create social transformations together. Because collective health, wellbeing, and equity is about all of us.

Community engagement

Let’s do this together.

Our goal is to help community health practitioners and researchers who are equity-minded and values-led create transformational impacts - from the inside out. We’re here to get to know you and your team and to support you with translating your vision into practice, in a heart-centered way. We’ll guide you in aligning your work with your vision and values, increasing equitable practices at your organization, and skillfully applying technical methods to lead change.

How We Can Help

We bring an equity mindset into all our aspects of our work, including how we work with partners. An equity approach means tailoring solutions to respond to the specific needs of groups we serve. We’ll meet you where you’re at no matter what stage of the equity transformation process you’re in. We’re here to support you with finding the most effective, and equity-forward, way to implement your vision.

Currently, we offer a range of services that can guide you in this process. These include one-on-one and group coaching, project and team-based consulting, technical advising services, custom trainings, and partnerships on research and evaluation contracts. We’ve recently joined forces with other like-minded/equity-minded researchers to develop grant applications. Get in touch to learn more about these possibilities.

We’re busy behind the scenes creating new group coaching opportunities, courses, and products.

Stay connected and be the first to know when these new offerings are released!

Project-Based Consulting and Thought Partnership

We meet you where you’re at to provide clear, focused, and insightful technical assistance and guidance. As thought partners, we’ll work together to co-create research, data, or training products.

We develop custom, interactive trainings and courses to teach foundational concepts to your team and partners. Our approach integrates live, virtual or in-person workshops with digital courses and stand-alone tools that support learning and implementation.

Courses and Training

Individual and Group Coaching

We provide high-touch, transformative coaching to you and your team to create lasting change from the inside-out. Coaching focuses on cultivating mindset shifts, building capacity and skills, and taking action with accountability.

What do you need? We’re listening!

Let us know which free tool you want us to create for you first.

Vote for your favorite tool, and we’ll get to work creating the top pick. You’ll be the first to know when we make this for you and send it directly to your inbox.

(And don’t worry, we’ll make sure to get you all the tools, so you’ll receive your selection no matter what).

That’s it.

By telling us what you need, y
ou’ve already taken your first step towards more heart-based work!

“HEART is a fantastic collaborator. It was a pleasure to work with a partner with such a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion and a strengths-based approach.

A collaborator who demonstrates an embodied commitment to this work is hard to find.”

— Ozy A., EDI Expert and Social Work Lecturer


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
